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Why Start Ups and Upstart Companies considers Skill to be more Important than Degree?

Generally, companies which are Start Ups or contemporary companies don’t give more reputation on college degrees, although the current placement trend shows the companies are inundated with applicants touting perfect GPAs from Premium League schools. The modern companies mostly start ups and upstart values the skills and experiences that candidates get in college, but a degree doesn’t tell them much about talent or grit.

You don’t need a college degree to be talented

“When you look at people who don’t go to school and make their way in the world, those are exceptional human beings. And we should do everything we can to find those people,” Laszlo Bock, Former Senior Vice President of People Operations at Google, Inc once said.

Many businesses “require” a college degree; at Start Ups, Upstart or in any advanced companies, the word “college” isn’t even its official guide to hiring. With the rise of self-paced college courses and vocational learning, plenty of driven people can teach themselves all of the necessary skills to work at the company.

Demonstrate a skill, not an expertise

College degrees are, almost by definition, a certificate of expertise. A degree in journalism is a giant badge meant to tell the world that you know at least a little bit about the trade of telling stories and interviewing people. But a degree really doesn’t say what a graduate can do. Can they present an idea in front of a crowd? Can they build a website? Can they think interestingly about problems, or did they just pass some tests?

Logic is learned, and stats are super important

Logical thinking goes way beyond programming. Humans are by nature Creative beings. But skills like logics, structured thinking, innovation and passion are to be learned and you cannot learn the same in classrooms. Analytical training gives you a skill set that differentiates you from most people in the labor market. And such skills are optimized when you work on practical projects or through real time making of products.

Grit is quality that can take you very far from others

For some people, college is just really easy. A college degree can’t tell a company whether an applicant is naturally smart or is a hard worker. Apparently, I would rather mold someone with grit rather than someone who is a lazy high-achiever.

If you go to college, focus on skills

It doesn’t mean you do not need a college degree. Fo Eg. a college degree in Computer Science Engineering communicates the world that a candidate knows a bit of Computers and Softwares. But honestly, once you start your career no one is going to ask you what was your major in college. If you want a job at any prestigious company, don’t focus so much on your major, and make sure you graduate with all the skills and experiences you need to do awesome things in the world.


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