At its best, a flipped classroom offers students the benefit of greater control over their learning. They steer class discussion to ask instructors for clarification, so their needs guide class time. Students can explore new concepts in their own way, at their own pace, in a controlled and supportive environment. When done well, this makes flipped learning highly efficient, since differentiation occurs naturally, and students are more likely to remain engaged. Let’s look at some effective steps to implement flipped classroom for your syllabus.
Step 1: Define objectives of your content
Before you launch, clearly explain what flipped learning is and why you are implementing flipped classroom. Define measurable Course Outcome clearly in simple language and communicate with students and parents in advance. Making a major change in your classroom culture is hard work, and flipping the mindset is not easy.
Step 2: Create your Lecture Videos
When it's time to film, keep it short and sweet. You'll be pleasantly surprised to learn that what used to take 15 minutes to cover in a lecture can usually fit into a five-minute video, since you won't have to worry about classroom management. Don't be afraid to be entertaining! You can also collaborate with other video contents from MOOC Platforms like Coursera, EdX, NPTEL, SWAYAM etc.
Step 3: Share the content with Student
Try to find a method to share your videos with students either through Youtube, Email or using a LMS. Don't forget that your flipped learning model depends on student participation. If they're not keeping up with the at-home learning, your whole class will grind to a halt because students won't be prepared to engage with your hands-on activities. Be sure to devise a quick quiz or feedback after the student watches the video.
Step 4: Define Activities for Classroom
One of the best way to create the effective pedagogical model in your class either offline or online is through dialogue, feedback and continuous improvements. Whether project-based learning (PBL), game-based learning (GBL), Understanding by Design (UbD), or authentic literacy, find an effective model to institute in your classroom. Become a master of those models first, and then use the flipped classroom to support the learning.
Step 5: Reflect and Review
Every time you have students watch a video, just like you would with any instructional activity, you must build in reflective activities to have students think about what they learned, how it will help them, its relevance, and more. Defining objective based feedback to measure your Course Outcome is a better way to understand effectiveness of Flipped Classroom.
Step 6: Sign Up to a Great LMS (FinancePeer Edmojo)
Find a schedule and system that works for you so that filming, lesson planning and assessment all become routine. Once you have a system in place, leverage it so you can focus on your students instead of on the nuts and bolts of developing your units. This is possible with an effective Learning Management system that has all features required to implement Flipped Classroom.
Implement FLIPPED CLASSROOM, ONLINE ASSESSMENTS, ATTAINMENTS AND LIVE CLASS. successfully USING Edmojo. Edmojo is a Freemium platform for teachers to organize your Program Outcomes (PO), Course Outcomes (CO), Lesson plan, Direct and indirect assessment, surveys, boost collaboration, and foster better communication and Calculate attainment as per NBA / NAAC. Contact US at +91 8086 01 5111.