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There are two types of companies: Those who wait and those who do.

Those who wait spend most of their lives in the planning stage, getting ready to do something. They talk about their dreams in terms of “someday.” Those who wait are waiting for that perfect moment when all the stars align for them to go after their dreams. They say things like “We will do it … after all product features are perfectly tested … when we have enough funding … when we have more bandwidth.... when we hire new champions....”  The reality is that “someday” never comes and the company who waits misses every opportunity while holding out for that perfect moment.

Doers Company understand that time flies. We get one shot at life. Whatever it is that you want to do with it, don’t wait until the opportunities pass you by. We never feel completely ready for any big decision or those great product etc; but in taking the leap, we push ourselves to the next level.

What do you feel?


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