Our curriculum is still tightly coupled with Theoretical based learning, and we have very less focus on Research. With a diverse demography and 1.3 Billion people living in our country we have immense problems to solve. But unfortunately, our education system failed to understand the importance of research which leads to solving pressing problems in our society.

The research scenario in India portrays a chequered picture. While some leading world class institutions like the IITs and the IIMs are achieving what was well planned in their objectives others portray a dismal picture in terms of quality and quantity of research.
Research plays an important role in the economic development of any country. In fact, research and development form the basis of future competitiveness of an economy.
Today with the advent of innovative Technologies, research has become very accessible to all institutions in India no matter which location they belong to.
Here are 7 Simple steps you can implement in your campus to implement research Culture:
1. Form a Research committee
Committee will be responsible to define rules for Research like formatting and Industrial Practices, Layout plan to Avoid Plagiarism and Encourage Research in campus through blending the curriculum with Research.
2. Exploration Day in a Month
Conduct one day of every month as Research Day where students will present research as per choice of their topic.
3. Use technology for Research
Using various Available tools Like Google, Scopus, ICI, Science Journals, Library Resources etc for Doing preliminary research of a topic.
4. Use Citations for Topics Referred
Encourage Student to use index cards to take notes and record citation information for each source. (Refer Wikihow)
5. Avoid Plagiarism
Try to put ideas in your own words rather than copying from the source. Putting the ideas into your own words from the outset helps you avoid plagiarism. (Refer Wikihow).
6. Keep Format Constant in the Campus
Use Standard Research format as per recommended by Prominent journals or respective industry practices to stay relevant.
7. Publish the Paper
Ensure all papers written by students are vetted by research committee and approved for publishing in respective research platforms.