I know most of you must have watched the Netflix Series named 'The Blacklist'. It has 9 seasons and hundreds of episodes. And every episode is so well crafted and you don't feel like getting bored with the characters in the series.
The character definition, the plot, the suspense and beautiful cinematography are so splendid that even a good crafted movie may be not so attractive to our eyes and mind.
Although this is purely my opinion and you may surely have different one too.
But I wanted to highlight a different aspect of the main character in story which is named as "Raymond Redington" also called as Red. Raymond Redington is shown as a very brilliant and brave ex-military officer who then happens to become a world’s most dangerous fugitive due to some scenarios in his life.
The way different characters of Raymond get more apparent as the series progresses, it shows us many qualities what an entrepreneur or a leader should have:
1. Loyalty: Redington is loyal to his people like a leader should be to his team. He values them more than life and will ensure all his people are safe.
2. Ethics and Ground Rules: although shown as fugitive, but you will find there are ground rules if you need to do business with Redington. A leader should be very clear about that from day one and set ethics and other ground rules as basic principle when creating a team.
3. Industrious: Raymond has billions of dollars in assets and is very Industrious. He sees opportunity everywhere to create value and assets for himself and his people. We will notice how Raymond hustle and aggressively convince and motivates his people to achieve something remarkable and may be impossible to a normal person. The same quality you will find in a great entrepreneur.
4. Code of Conduct: Raymond is very particular about his people who are loyal to him, and remain so no matter what is the scenario. We can see in some episodes; he does not even hesitate to kill one of his most trusted aid Ms. Kaplan when she breaks trusts in him. Although an entrepreneur surely doesn’t have to kill people but surely, he/she can fire people who are no more loyal to the organization or to the leader.
5. Compassion: Raymond is seen to be one side very brutal and other very compassionate about good causes. We can see how he donates his money for good enterprises, needy people and social causes. A good leader should be equally aggressive on field, with the team and in business but also at the same time compassionate for society, environment and his people.
6. Deep Knowledge: Raymond is well versed about his fugitive empire and also keep himself updated about all his threats. You will find he is always 3 steps ahead of his competitors and Federal Agents. As an entrepreneur, he or she should be well versed in the product and market they are dealing with. Also, it is important to stay ahead of competitors too.
7. Strategist: Raymond is very strategist and meticulous when executing a mission. He ensures all his players are well versed with the role they need to play. Even his adversaries have no clue what his next move will be and just like blitzkrieg he just nullifies the competition.
8. Reputation: For Reddington, So Much Depends on Reputation— And he Guards It with his Life. Even his greatest of Adversaries respects him. You can never really understand another person. But to interact with others, we have to try, so we judge people by what we can see — their appearances. This includes style, words/gestures, and behaviour. Your appearance is an integral part of your reputation. A strong reputation exaggerates your strengths, intimidates, and inspires respect. Your goals may be accomplished before you say or do anything.
If you have watched it already, do share your valuable comments of any more qualities which you must have observed in Redington. Would love to read them. If not watched yet, do watch it this weekend. I assure it will be worth an experience.